Well, I haven't been working in flash at all lately, so... the project I had planned is a bust. but I've started a new one with no hope of completion. After watching Intruder Returns on the main page, I've decided to whip up a little action movie of my own. Yesterday I started on character design. I made a few soldiers and gave them guns, and began experimenting with walk cycles. I was then very unpleasantly reminded that I suck at animating... but I'll figure it out somehow.
Oh... and if you look closely, their hands are open, the guns are just floating there. I'm counting on nobody noticing that in the final animation, because I really don't want to draw anything.
I don't think that many people will notice that their hands are open.
Maxwelldoggums (Updated )
Yeah, I still haven't come up with a main character design yet, thinking about making him/her a NINJA because ninjas are EPIC!!!!! yeah.... so I am not sure what's going to happen yet, but I will probably put a lot more detail into this than any other flash I have done before, Including the ones not on NG.
(currently thinking of a storyboard)