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Age 31, Male

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If you want it to stay as fast as the first, i'd say go PoP style and just keep the fighting simple.

I was leaning towards that option...

well the problem i found with it was that traps were annoying with the whole multi-tasking, i am first to addmit i am bad at game multi-tasking, you could also if you want some fast forward flowing fighting you could make the characters 'float' in a sence after a successful victory and a scene shows our runner taking out the opponent during this float, or you could just make our character trip up the opponent and have some sort of head on camera looking back at the foe tumbling into a mangle of body parts. now saying that it does sound sorta complicated, you could just have quick time event buttons to throw people a little bit more of a edge to the game (you are moving at speeds that would break your bones if you hit a wall so i think quick time events suit it). or was this comment just a load of crap? (i never know!)

Thats a good idea, but Orange Runner 2 is a much different style of gameplay... it is more platforming with speed than anything else, and so avoiding obstacles is unnecessary when fighting.

Hmm... My theory is working that if you still have traps, like the saws, that you have to dodge while running. Maybe, you could use the A, W, S, D keys... but that might be too complicated to multi task... Yeah... too confusing. Maybe during combat you'd press shift, and it'd disarm him, then press shift again to kick him in the face and send him flying, or knock him to the ground, or some other cool death move. Maybe rip out his heart like in Mortal Combat. (Question, is it possible to lure enemies into traps, and have them get killed by the saws and stuff?)

The traps are a little different than they were, and the enemies can't walk yet... so it's a little different. I like the idea of the shift disarm, but It'll probably be all in one move.

well if you ask me ide say that the shift disarm system is a good idea like if you run up too a guy press shift and you kick the gun out of his hands and then do a round house kick to his face! you could take care of him in one swift motion but you could also do a regular combat button with you know like you push A once for a punch and then again for a second punch then once more for a finishing kick. So like how the shift kill move is good for taking out one enemy but it may leave you open too more so in certin stuations you might want to use regualr melee attack. idk just a suggestion.

ps: sry if im getting annoying but i just have to put in my 2 cents on all of you updates.


New idea: speed = attack. say your charging a guy at 300mph ur not gonna stop, kick him, grab his gun, then start to run again. So if your going fast the move would resemble it such as: 1 - 50 mph = roundhouse kick 51 - 100 mph = a tackle. And so on and so forth.

ok, I'll keep that in mind

it all depends on the format of the ground, if it's flat and your just running then a simple disarm system could work but if there are actually like, walls then a PoP style thing would prolly work best. maybe like if he's close to a wall he does a diff take down then if he's behind the badguy or something like that (or if you wan to get really technical there could be situation where you can just run into the guy at 300 mph and kill him or use quicktime and punch his face in - you know give the player some choice)

That is a pretty good idea, I'll think about it.

Hey, if your thinking of names, try Krade... Krade sounds cool. (In my opinion. If you don't like it, bugger off.) Krade D. Akerd, could be his full name. (D stands for Darke.) Notice how they're all anagrams. XD

hmm, I was going to keep him anonymous, but that's a pretty cool name.

Well i think since the last orange runner was all about speed this should be about speed too. o i think one button combat would be a good idea for the game.


Well I was thinking. Maybe you could make it god of war style where there are button mashing sequences. So when you touch an enemy it goes into a button mashing sequence, now if you mess up in the sequences your health goes down.

but I got a few complaints about the button mashing, so I don't know if I'll do that again.

It's me again I think that you should go with the prince of persia idea

ok... wait.... I like your name =D

You should also add like a big finisher move gauge that when you defeat so many enimies it will fill up he'll do a big finisher move that attacks all enemies on stage and have like a shop that you can like buy different finishers

well, I'm trying to focus the game more on speed, and less on combat, so I don't know if I want to base a large chunk of the game on getting cool attacks...

I think I know wat the story could be about the runner as like amnesia and he's trying to track down his creator since no man can run that fast it's just an idea

That might be cool... I'll think about it.

Are you sticking to the idea, how he was electrocuted? Or did you scrap that. (The one I pm'd to you.)

I don't really know. I'm thinking of keeping the original story, but he might just be on the run for no reason whatsoever.

I like the story... :C Maybe you could have two modes, one where it's just free run, like in the original, with no plot whatsoever, and a story mode where the plot is included. Take your time with things. I definitely know this isn't gonna happen in a month, might take a year. Probably two years at most. Work hard, and never give up. (Not so much on Work Hard, take breaks often. No one likes to work on something 20/7.)

I was going to make a free run mode! Thanks for the support! It probably won't take that long actually.

W00T! Storyline! Thx man! Really love that your using my plot... Not many people think I have any hope to become an author when I grow up...

Hey Max?
Umm... I'm not sure how to do this, but I was thinking of the enemys, to just stand still along the road you run, and just like you have to jump over the razor-saws, you need to "neutralize" the enemy. A way to do that, could be like this: (you hit the enemy)+(some sort of energy is released from the player, by pressing space(for example)+(and the enemy will be launched away with incredibly high speed(maybe into the sun? It would make some cool effects, I picture).
I hope this helps, anyways, I just really wanna play O.R 2 soon! :D

Well, I fixed the combat, and now it works on a key press, so it is kindof like your idea.

Who would the main villain be? Like a rival, that grows along with your runner? And every few levels, you would battle against him. And he would get tougher. Maybe he could look just like our hero, except instead of like, electricity, some sort of fire bursts out of him? And when you battle against your rival, (Maybe you could call him Kendrix? Idk..) You get to shoot bolts of electricity, and he would like have pillars of fire rise from the ground... or something. It's probably too complicated, just scrap the idea if you don't like it.

might be much more additional work but heres what i think:
if you're going a bit too slow, there will have to be a short individual fight with different buttons... then if you're fast enough you could just press a button and the picture would be like.... the picture in ur l8est screenshot, just imagine him running faster than a jumbo jet...