well the problem i found with it was that traps were annoying with the whole multi-tasking, i am first to addmit i am bad at game multi-tasking, you could also if you want some fast forward flowing fighting you could make the characters 'float' in a sence after a successful victory and a scene shows our runner taking out the opponent during this float, or you could just make our character trip up the opponent and have some sort of head on camera looking back at the foe tumbling into a mangle of body parts. now saying that it does sound sorta complicated, you could just have quick time event buttons to throw people a little bit more of a edge to the game (you are moving at speeds that would break your bones if you hit a wall so i think quick time events suit it). or was this comment just a load of crap? (i never know!)
If you want it to stay as fast as the first, i'd say go PoP style and just keep the fighting simple.
I was leaning towards that option...